Monday, June 21, 2010

Back to the Beginning

My ten pounds are back and they brought a little friend with them.  That's okay.  I have been under so much stress, it's amazing that I don't weigh more. 

Do I have any idea what I'm doing?  Absolutely not.  Do I have any odds on my chances of success?  No not really.  My only goal is that I want my swimsuit to fit a little bit better while I am out getting second degree burns on the majority of my body.  Oh and I don't want to hear anyone else say, "Thar she blows."

I don't know why this is such a struggle for me.  And maybe it isn't any more of a struggle for me than it is for everyone else.  I know that I don't feel good....too bad that isn't enough of a motivator.  I like me, I think I'm fun...but for some reason I won't take care of least not any more than the very basic of things.

Well, the adventure begins, yet again.  It's a good thing I believe in Mondays.